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Chinese translation for "forest map"


Related Translations:
subtropical forest:  副热带森林温带雨林亚(前)热带森林亚热带森林
state forester:  州林务局长
crwon forest:  王室林
savernake forest:  萨弗纳克森林
forest research:  林业科学研究
commercial forest:  经济林企业林用材林
dominant forest:  优势森林
forest park:  福里斯帕克区福里斯特帕克森林公园
sprout forest:  萌芽林。
forest science:  林业科学森林科学
Example Sentences:
1.Forestry department obtain basic data and form map in counties mostly through the second class investigation of forest resource , but the updating and utilizing of the data is still rest on the phase of conventional handcraft , especially on the drawing of the forest mapping ; moreover , the categorical data and the spacial data is detached each other
2.Ecological features , function indicators and social - human impact together constitute the fundermental system of regional ecosystem health assessment . haxi forestry center is located in tianzhu of gansu province . in view of the natural conditions , land use type and forest map , we classify the research area into 15 landscape types
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